With several years of experience accumulated by our Managing
Director as a transporter with numerous fleet of Howo Sino Trucks,
we decided to source for quality used Howo Sino Tractors, dump
trucks and trailers so as to create an opportunity for start-ups who
might not be financially capable to procure the new Howo Sino
trucks and trailers and are desirous in venturing into the Logistics
Industry. With our numerous trusted suppliers in China, we are
able to carefully select good tractors, dump trucks and trailers
based on our already agreed criteria/specifications and import
them into Nigeria via Lagos Tin Can Port and Onne Port Harcort
Port to our show rooms for onward sales and collctions by our numerous customers.
We also take orders from our customers with their custom specifications for tractors, dump trucks, and trailers and deliver to the
customers requested destination in Nigeria.